In some ways this day feels like it has been a long time coming. Josiah and I have been buried in boxes, both empty and full, for the past eight weeks and we could not be more excited that it is officially here. I've been working with a few less forks than normal because for whatever reason, they were a priority to pack up ASAP and have thus been sitting who-knows-where for at least four weeks. Things have been off the walls for two months because we struggled so deeply to contain our excitement. We've shared a lot of meals on paper towel and paper plates and we are so, so ready for real plates (and real food!)
In other ways, this day punched us in the face (probably in the we-were-supposed-to-have-some-practical-things-more-figured-out-by-now kind of ways, but ya know). It came up so fast and caught us off guard. It feels almost like an out-of-body experience. Like I'm just watching all of this happen because there is no way it's real. Three months ago this was just a thought, an idea, and now our entire life is loaded into a trailer and we're about to jump into a whole new life. Cue my love-hate relationship with change.
Tomorrow morning we will be Denver bound and I am hopeful any nerves that I am feeling will be weighted equally against uncontrollable excitement.
Cheers to change and the refusal to settle.
Let the adventure begin.